2024 WAEC ENGLISH: 2024 WAEC English Language Answers (8293)

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Wednesday 26th August 2020
English Language 2 (Essay) – 9:30am – 11:30am
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The Importance of promoting good Reading habits in students. They say it for a reason that books are your best friends. While growing up the best habit you can inculcate is reading because you become what you read. The books that you read play a very important role in your upbringing as they are your guide for the journey of life. Here are a few personality attributes which are highly influenced by regular reading habit. Improves Communication Books are the best way to get acquainted with extraordinary words in the English language. Reading books will help you learn new words and demonstrate different ways in which you can use them in your daily expression. This will ultimately improve your personal vocabulary. Also to understand the grammar of any language, reading stories and articles of that particular language will increase your depth of understanding about it. Better Ability to Comprehend Kids who develop the habit of reading at an early age are good at comprehending situations and develop a better sense of understanding than those who do not read. They are capable of understanding serious situations and analyze the cause and effect scenario maturely. To develop reading abilities early on, try reading aloud and take baby steps towards improvement. Don’t be too hard on yourself, take pleasure in reading.
Imparts Knowledge There is no denying in the fact that reading imparts knowledge in a person. Gaining knowledge makes you feel confident about the subject and invokes your interest deeper into the topics. For cognitive development, school curriculums also include various interesting topics so that students are keen on the subject from a young age. Aids Sleeping Reading before bedtime helps fight insomnia better than indulgence in the electronic devices which works totally opposite. Books aid your sleep naturally and involve your brain into knowledgeable things before sleeping. Psychologically it is recommended that people should think about healthy thoughts before going to bed. A good book read before bedtime can work wonders for the peace of mind. Escape From Real World Books gives a person the unstoppable freedom to explore the world of fiction. The writers as well as the readers are free to take up topics of their choice and throw open the gates of the fictitious world in their mind. Some works of fiction roll over books after books but never lose the grip of the readers on the series. It is because creative minds are powerhouses of exciting amusements and we can only agree more if we had read some of those amazing creations.



(2) version 2

The Importance of Promoting Good Reading Habits in Students
    It was Aldous Huxley, one of the greatest literary giants to ever come out of America that said; ‘’A man who knows how to read, has it in his power to expand his mind and increase the ways in which he thrives in the universe’’. Time and again, we have heard prominent educationists define curriculum (which is the sum total of the vehicle the school employs for education) as ‘’all planned and guided learning experiences, and intended learning outcomes, formulated through the construction of knowledge, under the auspices of the school, for the learners willful and continuous growth in personal social competence’’. 
   Therefore the underlining keywords in a good schooling experience are; ‘’wilful and continuous growth’’. There can be no education without wilfulness, and true education is continuous, hence good reading habit is the most important skill a student must seek to imbibe while in school. A good reading habit opens students up to a world of infinite ideas. A highly remarkable anecdote of the effects of good reading habits on students can be found in the recounting of the Late professor Chinua Achebe, of his experience in Government College Umuahia, where he talked about a very useful law called the ‘’Textbook Act’’ imposed on them by the principal of the school. 
    Furthermore, the renowned author tells his readers that the act stipulated that on certain days of the week, students were to leave academic work and pick up literature works to read. Years later, the efficacy of that singular rule which encouraged reading, would be seen in the sort of alumni that went through Government College Umuahia, literary Amazons like; Wole Soyinka, J.P Clark, Christopher Okigbo, and a host of other intellectual powerhouses, who went on to achieve exceeding greatness in various fields.
  Conclusively, the argument for good habit among students is one that has been won by decades of excellence in various fields, by men and women who embraced life-long learning.  The school undoubtedly provides a convenient atmosphere for the development of a life-long reading culture. More so, as we noted earlier, the school curriculum is not achieved without the student demonstrating ‘’Personal and Social competence’’, this is especially useful in the professional life the students would live upon graduation in various fields. As we get immersed in the 21st Century, all field of endeavours are evolving, new knowledge and skills are replacing old ways of doing things. Good reading skill is, therefore, an indispensable tool for success in any given career, as a professional in any field is faced with the task of navigating a plethora of information and gain needful insights in order to remain relevant in his chosen profession.



2024 WAEC English Language Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: 2024 WAEC English Language Answers (8293) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo


2024 WAEC English Language Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: 2024 WAEC English Language Answers (8293) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo




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(5) version 1

Never in my life have I ever felt so embarrassed and so alone. I feel that it's about time to let others know that miscarriage is something that has been put aside for far too long...
It took me a couple of weeks to decide to share my story in this way. But I feel that it's about time to let others know that miscarriage is something that has been put aside for far too long. with the victims being left in deafening silence in the corner. I had my miscarriage last year in February. I was on a train home from work at around 7 pm when I felt sharp pains in my tummy and then I felt that my trousers were wet. I was bleeding. Ashamed, worried and panicking about what is going on with my 5 weeks old baby inside me, I took the first cab I saw and got myself to A&E.
I got there and somehow I knew that it was too late. Still, I was hoping that it wasn't. I came to the next available staff in A&E to tell them what happened and I was told to sit on a chair and wait to be called in by a nurse to see a doctor. My trousers were messy with blood and my tummy was still hurting. I cried silently in that little corner where they've put me to wait. I waited for 3 hours for someone to call me. By the time someone has called me to take my blood...the pain was gone and the blood on my trousers where drying up... I knew my baby was gone. I've left a mess on the chair and I was so embarrassed. After they took my blood and cannulated me...the nurse told me to go back to where I was waiting before and wait for someone to call me to see a doctor. I went to sit back on that same chair. I decided to go to the toilet and tried to clean myself up. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself what I did wrong. My eyes were puffy from crying. I took a load of tissue to suck up the blood that was coming out of me and tried to clean up my underwear. When I came out of the toilet...I asked the nurse if I was called but her reply was no. I waited and waited then my fiancé came and held me tight. He kindly brought me a clean change of clothes and I went to change my trousers. Never in my life have I ever felt so embarrassed and so alone. I have suffered depression after that event. There are some things that you wish you could forget. But they remain embedded in your mind and heart. Miscarriage is more than losing one little life that did not get the chance to meet its mum and dad. unfortunately, miscarriage can cause someone (the mother of the father) to lose their mind and themselves. I'm a witness to that. It happened to me.



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2024 WAEC English Language Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: 2024 WAEC English Language Answers (8293) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo


2024 WAEC English Language Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: 2024 WAEC English Language Answers (8293) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo




It was because she believed she was always welcomed at her children's home

She had a cheerful conversation with a fellow passenger during the journey 

(i) She didn't have enough money for her fare
(ii) She could not communicate with the new watchman due to language barrier
He left with the bag because mama could not pay him. 

It was because she was not accustomed to the meal

(i) adjectival Clause 
(i) It qualifies the noun phrase "fellow passenger" 

A very long time due to anxiety 

To always inform people before visiting them. 

(i) unimaginable - inconceivable
(ii)  heartily - cordially 
(iii) Outrageous - immoderate 
(iv) numerous - many 
(v) Frantically - anxiously 
(vi) fraudulent - deceitful



(i) Forest trees form canopies that help to prevent erosion
(ii) Timber from forest trees is useful in building construction 
(iii) Wood pulp processed from timber is used in the production of paper. 

(i) Discouragement of use of forests as farmlands by the government
(ii) Creation of forest reserves
(iii) Government should enact laws against forests encroachment.

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