2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers (3906)

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Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo. NECO Biology Questions and Answers 2024. NECO Bio Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers . 2024 NECO EXAM Biology Questions and Answers

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(i) Producers 
(ii) Consumers 
(iii) Decomposers

(i) Mandibles
(ii) Maxillae
(iii) Labium
(iv) Labrum 
(v) Hypopharynx

From the human body, waste is excreted in the form of urine. Urine formation involves three main processes:
(i) Filtration: Blood is filtered in the glomerulus of the kidney, where water, salts, glucose, and waste products are filtered out of the blood.
(ii) Reabsorption: Essential substances like glucose, certain salts, and water are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream from the renal tubules.
(iii) Secretion: Additional waste products and excess ions are secreted into the renal tubule from the blood, forming urine which then passes to the bladder for excretion.

(i) Malleus 
(ii) Incus
(iii) Stapes
(iv) Occurs in plants, algae, and some bacteria

(i) Occurs in chloroplasts
(ii) Converts carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen
(iii) Requires light energy (sunlight)

(i) Occurs in mitochondria
(ii) Converts glucose and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water
(iii) Releases energy (ATP)

This is 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers No. 1

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(i) Possession of hollow bones to reduces weight
(ii) Presence of feathers for lift and insulation
(iii) Possession of streamlined bodies to reduce air resistance
(iv) Possession of strong flight muscles for power wing movement
(v) High metabolic rate which supports energy demands of flight
(vi) Specialized respiratory system for efficient oxygen exchange

Pollination is the process where pollen from the male part of a flower (the anther) is transferred to the female part (the stigma). This can happen through wind or animals like insects and birds. When an animal visits a flower for nectar, pollen sticks to its body and is carried to another flower’s stigma. Once on the stigma, the pollen grain grows a tube down to the ovary, where it releases male cells to fertilize the ovules. This fertilization leads to the formation of seeds, and often the ovary develops into fruit, protecting the seeds and aiding in their dispersal. This process 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' ensures that plants can reproduce and create new plants.


Pollination is when pollen from a flower’s anther is transferred to the stigma, often by wind or animals like insects. The pollen grain grows a tube to the ovary, where it fertilizes the ovules. This leads to seed formation, and the ovary may develop into fruit, protecting the seeds and helping in their spread. This process allows plants to reproduce and generate new plants.

(i) Toads have a long, sticky tongue that can quickly dart out to catch insects.
(ii) Toads often have skin colors and patterns that blend into their environment, helping them avoid predators and surprise prey.
(iii) Toads typically have good vision adapted for low light conditions, allowing them to hunt insects at night.
(iv) Toad have powerful Hind Legs For quick jumps to catch prey.
(v) Toads can detect chemical signals released by insects, aiding in locating their prey


(i) Carry blood away from the heart
(ii) Thick, elastic walls
(iii) Blood flows under high pressure
(iv) No valves (except in the pulmonary artery)
(v) Narrower lumen (internal diameter)
(vi) Generally located deeper within the body

(i) Carry blood towards the heart
(ii) Thinner, less elastic walls
(iii) Blood flows under low pressure
(iv) Valves present to prevent backflow
(v) Wider lumen (internal diameter)
(vi) Often located closer to the surface of the body

This is 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers No. 2

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(i) Phototropism

(ii) Geotropism

(iii) Hydrotropism

(iv) Chemotropism

(v) Thermotropism



(i) Loss of fertile topsoil, reducing agricultural productivity

(ii) Sedimentation in water bodies, leading to reduced water quality and habitat destruction

(iii) Increased risk of flooding

(iv) Desertification in severe cases


Grass --> Grasshopper --> Lizard --> Hawk


2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo


(i) Oxygen

(ii) Glucose

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(i) Scapula

(ii) Humerus

(iii) Radius

(iv) Ulna

(v) Carpals


2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo



(i) Insulin

(ii) Adrenaline

(iii) Thyroxine

(iv) Oxytocin

(v) Oestrogen

(vi) Testosterone

(vii) Progesterone

(viii) Growth hormone


(i) Amoeba - Contractile vacuole

(ii) Hydra - Nephridia

(iii) Earthworm - Nephridia

(iv) Grasshopper - Malpighian tubules




(i) Generate energy for the cell through cellular respiration

(ii) Regulate cell growth and division



(i) Digest and recycle cellular waste and foreign substances

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2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo


Monocot Plants:
(i) One cotyledon (seed leaf)
(ii) Parallel leaf venation
(iii) Vascular bundles scattered in the stem
(iv) Fibrous root system

Dicot Plants:
(i) Two cotyledons (seed leaves)
(ii) Reticulate (net-like) leaf venation
(iii) Vascular bundles arranged in a ring
(iv) Taproot system

(i) Fossil records
(ii) Comparative anatomy
(iii) Embryology
(iv) Molecular biology
(v) Biogeography
(vi) Artificial selection

(i) Hinge joint
(ii) Ball-and-socket joint
(iii) Pivot joint
(iv) Saddle joint
(v) Gliding joint

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2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  2024 NECO BIOLOGY: 2025 NECO Biology (Bio) Verified Questions and Answers  (3906) Welcome to official 2024 Biology NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Biology NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Bio Expo

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