2024 NABTEB IRK: IRK (I.R.S) NABTEB Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 (2738)

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Welcome to official 2024 IRK NABTEB answer page. We provide 2024 IRK NABTEB Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NABTEB I.R.S Expo. NABTEB IRK Questions and Answers 2024. NABTEB I.R.S Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, IRK (I.R.S) NABTEB Authentic Questions and Answers 2025. 2024 NABTEB EXAM IRK Questions and Answers

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(i) The Surah was 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' revealed after the disbelievers of Quraysh proposed that they would worship Allah (SWT) if the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) would worship their gods for some time.

(ii) It was revealed because the disbelievers wanted the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) to stop speaking ill of their gods.

(iii) The disbelievers offered wealth, marriage, and anything he desired, so the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) sought Allah's guidance, which led to the revelation of this Surah.

(iv) The Surah was revealed to eradicate any confusion about the impossibility of finding common ground in matters of religion between believers and disbelievers.

(v) The Surah was revealed to highlight the importance of worshiping only Allah (SWT) and to reject idol worship or the worship of other gods.

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(i) They were revealed during the first thirteen (13) years of Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) Prophethood before his migration from Makkah to Madinah.

(ii) They are shorter with short verses but stronger in approach against idolaters.

(iii) They discuss Tawhid (Islamic monotheism or Oneness of God), Judgement Day.

(iv) Their language is poetic and full of oaths.


(i) They were revealed during the last ten (10) years of Muhammad’s (S.A.W.) Prophethood after his migration to Madinah.

(ii) They were longer and gentle in approach because people were accepting Islam and submitting to it.

(iii) They discuss social, economic, political and Military matters (they make references to Reward and Punishment, past historical events and Prophets).

(iv) Their language addresses the faithful and people of the Book, E.g. “O! people of the

Book”. “O! you who believe.



(i) Surah Al-Fatiha (سورة الفاتحة) - The Opening

(ii) Surah Al-Kahf (سورة الكهف) - The 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Cave

(iii) Surah Al-Mulk (سورة الملك) - The Sovereignty


(i) Surah Al-Baqarah (سورة البقرة) - The Cow

(ii) Surah Al-Nisa (سورة النساء) - The Women

(iii) Surah Al-Ma'idah (سورة المائدة) - The Table Spread

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‎لا يؤمن أحدكم حتى يكون هواه تبعًا لما جئت به

"Lã yu'minu ahadukum hattã yakūna hawãhu taba'an limã ji'tu bih".


(i) A Muslim must compare his actions to the teachings of the Qur'an and Sunnah, and strive to align his actions with those teachings.

(ii) People should give up their desires if they go against Allah's laws.

(iii) From the Hadith, we learnt that supporting the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), is a requirement of faith.

(iv) In the Hadith, we learned that a Muslim's faith is not complete until he loves what Allah and His Messenger love and hates what Allah and His Messenger hate.

(v) Muslims should let the teachings of Islam guide their thoughts, decisions, and actions in various aspects of life, offering wisdom and guidance for living in accordance with Allah's will.

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(4a) Hadith refers to the teachings and actions of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) that have been recorded and reported. It includes what he said, what he did, and what he approved of during his life.


(i) Explanation of the Quran: The Hadith provides explanations and interpretations of the Quran, helping Muslims to better understand its teachings and apply them in their lives.

(ii) Second source of Islamic Law: Alongside the Quran, the Hadith forms the basis of Islamic Law (Shariah). It provides guidance on various aspects of life, including personal conduct, social interactions, and legal matters.

(iii) Life of the Prophet (saw): The Hadith provides valuable insights into the life, character, and actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). It helps Muslims to develop a deep appreciation and understanding of his teachings and example.

(iv) Source of wisdom and inspiration: The Hadith contains pearls of wisdom, moral lessons, and practical advice. It serves as a source of inspiration for Muslims in their personal, social, and spiritual lives.

(v) Islamic Way of Life: The Hadith serves as a practical guide for Muslims, illustrating how to live according to the teachings of Islam. It provides insights into the 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Prophet's exemplary behavior and serves as a model for Muslims to emulate.

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(5a) Iman literally means belief or faith. Technically, in Islam, Iman implies having a sincere belief in Allah, faithfully following His teachings, and accepting the essential articles of faith.


(i) Belief in God (Allah), the one and only one worthy of all worship (tawhid).

(ii) Belief in the Angels (mala'ika).

(iii) Belief in the Books sent by Allah (kutub).

(iv) Belief in all the Messengers sent by Allah (rusul)

(v) Belief in the Day of Judgment and in the Resurrection (life after death).

(vi) Belief in Destiny (qadar), either good or bad.

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(a) Teachers: Teachers help spread Islam by teaching people about its beliefs and practices. They explain the Quran, Hadith (teachings of Prophet Muhammad), and Islamic history to students, helping them understand Islam better. Teachers also focus on teaching moral values such as honesty, kindness, and respect for others. By fostering unity among Muslims and encouraging community activities like prayers and charity, teachers play a crucial role in strengthening Islamic identity and values.

(b) Scholars: Scholars help spread Islam by studying and explaining its teachings in depth. They study the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic laws to provide clear guidance on religious matters. Scholars also answer difficult questions about Islam, address modern issues such as ethics in technology and environment protection, and ensure that people understand and practice Islam correctly. Through their books, lectures, and online teachings, scholars contribute to the growth of Islamic knowledge and help Muslims worldwide deepen their faith and commitment to Islamic principles.

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