2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338)

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Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp Expo. WAEC Computer Questions and Answers 2024. WAEC Comp Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers. 2024 WAEC EXAM Computer Questions and Answers

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(i) Sign in: Sign in is the process of logging into a system or service using a username and password or other credentials to access personalized content or features. By signing in, users can access their accounts, settings, preferences, and other information that is specific to them.

(ii) Search engine: A search engine is a web-based tool or software program that allows users to search for information on the internet. Users can enter keywords or queries into the search engine, which then retrieves relevant results from its index of websites and web pages.


(i) Figure 1: Random File Access Method

(ii) Figure 2: Sequential File Access Method


(i) FIGURE 1:



(i) Fast access to any record  

(ii) Direct access to data  

(iii) Efficient for reading and writing large amounts of data  

(iv) Suitable for large databases  

(v) Support for random access and sequential access operations



(i) Inefficient for large data sets

(ii) Prone to data corruption

(iii) Limited portability between systems

(iv) Difficulty in managing complex data structures

(v) Limited built-in search capabilities

(ii) FIGURE 2



(i) Simple to implement  

(ii) Cost-effective  

(iii) 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Suitable for large amounts of data  

(iv) Easy to maintain  

(v) Can be read sequentially



(i) Slow access speed  

(ii) Inefficient for frequent random access  

(iii) Limited concurrent access  

(iv) Difficulty in updating and inserting data  

(v) Susceptible to data corruption

This is WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers No. 1 (V2)

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WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers 2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338) Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp Expo

This is WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers No. 1 (V1)

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(i)Data cable is a type of cable used to transfer data between devices, such as computers, smartphones, printers, and other peripherals. 

(ii)Data cable is a physical medium used to establish a connection between electronic devices for the purpose of transmitting data signals.



(i)USB (Universal Serial Bus) cable

(ii)HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) cable

(iii)Ethernet cable

(iv)VGA (Video Graphics Array) cable

(v)DisplayPort cable

(vi)Thunderbolt cable

(vii)SATA (Serial ATA) cable


Bus speed affects data transfer within a computer system. A faster bus speed means data moves quickly between components, enhancing overall system performance, while a slower bus speed leads to delays and reduced performance.


Register: Register refers to a small, high-speed storage area within the CPU (Central Processing Unit) of a computer. registers play a crucial role in storing and manipulating data.


Address: Address refers to a unique identifier assigned to a specific memory location within a computer's memory hierarchy.

This is WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers No. 2

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(i)File: File is a collection of data or information that is stored on a computer’s storage device, such as a hard drive, SSD, or flash drive.

(ii)File: File serve as a fundamental unit for organizing and managing data on a computer, enabling users to store, retrieve, and manipulate information efficiently.



(i)Record: Record refers to a collection of related data items that are treated as a single unit.

(ii)Record: Record consists of multiple fields, each storing a specific piece of information about the entity



(i)Field: field refers to a single piece of data or information within a record

(ii)Field: Fields represent the smallest units of data storage and are used to store specific attributes or properties of the entities represented by records.


(i)Student ID


(iii)Guardian Contact


(i)Accessing the Student Record

(ii)Locating the Field

(iii)Editing the Field

(iv)Verifying Changes

(v)saving changes


(i)Microsoft Access


(iii)Oracle Database


This is WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers No. 3

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A logic truth table shows all possible combinations of inputs and their corresponding outputs, illustrating the logical relationships between them.


(i) AND gate

(ii) OR gate


| X | Y | Z = X AND Y | Z = X OR Y| 


| 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 

| 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 

| 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 |

| 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 

WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers 2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338) Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp Expo


A comparator is a logic device used to compare two binary numbers or signals. It typically has two input terminals for the numbers to be compared and outputs a logical indication of their relationship, such as equality, greater than, or less than. The output is determined based on the comparison of corresponding bits of the input numbers. In essence, it examines whether one input is greater than, less than, or equal to the other. Comparators are widely used in digital circuits, such as in arithmetic and logic units (ALUs), in microprocessors, and in data processing applications. They play a crucial role in tasks such as sorting, decision-making, and controlling the flow of data in electronic systems.

This is WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers No. 4

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(i) A compiler translates the entire program into machine code before execution
(ii) Compiled programs run directly on the computer hardware

(i) An interpreter translates and executes the program line by line.

(ii) Interpreted programs require an interpreter to translate and execute the code at runtime.



(i) Easier to read and understand, making the code more maintainable and less error-prone.

(ii) Abstraction from low-level hardware details, allowing the programmer to focus on the problem-solving logic.

(iii) Portability, as high-level language code can be executed on different computer architectures with the help of compilers or interpreters.



(i) Closer to the hardware, allowing for more control and optimization of system resources.

(ii) Faster execution time, as low-level instructions are directly executed by the computer's processor.

(iii) Better understanding of the underlying computer architecture and how it operates.



(i) Efficiency: The program should be designed to use system resources (CPU, memory, storage) effectively and minimize computational overhead.

(ii) Reliability: The program should be able to handle unexpected inputs 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' or errors gracefully, without crashing or producing incorrect results.

(iii) Maintainability: The program's code should be organized, well-documented, and easy to understand and modify by other programmers.

(iv) Modularity: The program should be divided into smaller, reusable components or modules that can be easily tested and integrated.

This is WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers No. 5

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WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers 2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338) Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp ExpoWAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers 2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338) Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp ExpoWAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers 2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338) Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp ExpoWAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers 2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338) Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp ExpoWAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers 2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338) Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp ExpoWAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers 2024 WAEC COMPUTER: WAEC Computer (Comp) Science 2025 Legit Answers (1338) Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp Expo

Welcome to official 2024 Computer WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Computer WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Comp Expo

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