2024 WAEC ENGLISH: WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (3228)

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Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo. WAEC English Questions and Answers 2024. WAEC Eng Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers. 2024 WAEC EXAM English Questions and Answers

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          Kings High School,

          Ikeja, Lagos State.

          P.M.B, 22245.

          15th May, 2024

The Chairman,

Old Students' Association,

Kings's High School,

Ikeja, Lagos State.

Dear Sir,


   I pen this letter with profound gratitude and heartfelt appreciation on behalf of the entire student body of our esteemed alma mater. The recent completion of the ultra-modern hall stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment and dedication of the Old Students' Association in enhancing the educational landscape of our beloved school.

   The inauguration of the new hall marks a significant milestone in our school's journey towards excellence. Its sleek design, state-of-the-art facilities, and spacious layout provide a conducive environment for various academic and extracurricular activities. Moreover, the hall symbolizes the spirit of unity and collaboration among alumni, whose generosity and foresight have made this project a reality.

   However, as we celebrate this remarkable achievement, it is crucial to acknowledge that there are still areas in which our school requires further assistance to meet the evolving needs of our students and faculty. Therefore, I would like to bring to your attention three key areas that would greatly benefit from the continued support and 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' intervention of the Old Students' Association.

   The first one is infrastructure development. While the new hall is a shining example of progress, there is a pressing need to address the overall infrastructure of our school. Many classrooms, laboratories, and administrative buildings are in need of renovation and modernization. Moreover, the lack of adequate facilities, such as sports grounds and recreational areas, hinders the holistic development of our students. Therefore, investing in infrastructure development projects will not only improve the learning environment but also contribute to the well-being and safety of our school community.

 Another on my list is educational Resources and Facilities. In addition to physical infrastructure, our school also requires sufficient educational resources and facilities to support teaching and learning activities. Many students lack access to textbooks, teaching materials, and technological resources essential for academic success. Furthermore, the library and computer lab facilities are outdated and inadequate to meet the needs of 21st-century learners. Therefore, providing adequate educational resources and facilities is essential to empower students and enhance their learning experience.

 The last but not the least is scholarship and welfare Programs. Many students in our school come from underprivileged backgrounds and face financial challenges that hinder their access to quality education. Establishing 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' scholarship programs and welfare initiatives will ensure that every student has equal opportunities to pursue their academic aspirations. Additionally, investing in student welfare programs, such as counseling services and health clinics, will promote the overall well-being and development of our students.

   I extend my sincere gratitude to you and the entire Old Students' Association for your unwavering support and commitment to our alma mater. Your generosity has left an indelible mark on our school community, and we are deeply honored to be beneficiaries of your kindness and benevolence. I humbly urge you to consider our requests for assistance in the aforementioned areas, as your continued partnership and intervention are crucial for the continued growth and success of our school. With warm regards and heartfelt appreciation.

             Yours sincerely,

             [YOUR SIGNATURE]

             Igwe Emeka

             Senior Prefect, Kings High School.

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 1 (V2)

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          Kings High School,

          Ikeja, Lagos State.

          P.M.B, 22245.

          15th May, 2024

The Chairman,

Old Students' Association,

Kings's High School,

Ikeja, Lagos State.

Dear Sir,


  On behalf of the entire student body and staff, I extend my sincerest gratitude for the magnificent ultra-modern hall your association has graciously donated to our school. This exceptional gesture has not only enhanced our school's infrastructure but also boosted our morale and sense of community. The new hall has provided a state-of-the-art facility for our gatherings, events, and activities, and we are deeply thankful for your kindness and generosity.

  However, as we celebrate this remarkable achievement, I respectfully bring to your attention three critical areas that require your continued support. Firstly, in upgrading our Information and Communications Technology (ICT) facilities to ensure we remain digitally competitive. Our current ICT infrastructure is outdated, and we urgently need modern computers, software, and internet connectivity to keep pace with the rapidly evolving technological landscape. Your support in this area would greatly enhance our academic performance and prepare us for the challenges of the digital age.

   In addition, we require your assistance in 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' renovating our sports facilities to promote a healthy and active lifestyle among students. Our sports facilities are in a deplorable state, and we need modern equipment, surfaces, and infrastructure to encourage students to engage in physical activities, develop their talents, and maintain their physical and mental well-being. Your support in this area would not only improve our physical health but also foster teamwork, discipline, and school spirit.

    Thirdly, we need your support in establishing a functional guidance and counseling unit to support students' emotional and academic well-being. Our school lacks a dedicated guidance and counseling department, and many students struggle with academic and personal issues without adequate support. Your assistance in establishing a guidance and counseling unit would provide students with the necessary resources and support to navigate their academic and personal challenges, and ensure their overall well-being.

   Furthermore, we believe that your continued support and partnership are crucial to our academic success and personal growth. Your association has been a pillar of strength and support to our school, and we appreciate your unwavering commitment to our progress. We eagerly anticipate your continued partnership in shaping our academic journey and molding us into responsible citizens of Nigeria.

    Once again, we express our heartfelt gratitude for your kindness and generosity. Your donation of the 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' ultra-modern hall has brought joy and excitement to our school community, and we are deeply thankful for your contribution to our academic and personal growth. Thank you once again for your kindness and generosity.

             Yours sincerely,

             [YOUR SIGNATURE]

             Igwe Emeka

             Senior Prefect, Kings High School.

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 1 (V1)

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WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (3228) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 4 (V1)

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         Community High School,

          Mile 2, Rivers State.

          P.M.B, 22245.

          15th May, 2024

Dear Mike,

I hope you are doing well. I know you are feeling anxious about your upcoming exams, and I want you to know that I am here to support you. Please remember that it is normal to feel nervous before an exam. It is a natural response to a challenging situation. However, I want to share some tips that have helped many others manage exam nerves.

First, prepare thoroughly. Make a study plan and follow it. The more prepared you are, the less likely you will feel overwhelmed. Reach out to your classmates who are better in some subjects for help.

Secondly, practice relaxation techniques and get enough sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep before the exam to improve focus and concentration. Take regular breaks to reduce stress and improve focus.

Thirdly, stay positive. Encourage positive self-talk and remind yourself of your past successes. Reframe your thinking. View the exam as an opportunity to showcase your knowledge and skills, rather than a source of fear.

Remember, focus on the present moment and what you can control. Instead of worrying about the outcome, focus on your 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' preparation and the steps you're taking to succeed. You've got this! You are capable and prepared. Go out there and show what you're capable of.

If you ever need to talk or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here for you.

Yours sincerely,

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 4 (V2)

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It was a normal evening in the busy city of Lagos. After work, I was looking forward to a calm night at home. As I walked through the neighborhood, I saw regular sights and sounds - children playing in the streets, the smell of jollof rice cooking, and vendors selling things.

I felt happy for the sense of community in every part of this lively city. The warm night air, neighbors talking on their porches, music playing - it all felt familiar and comforting. For sure, this night would be like other peaceful nights.

Little did I know, my expectations of peace were about to be broken.

As I neared my house, I noticed trouble down the street by the market. A big crowd had gathered, yelling at each other in an argument. I couldn't understand the words, but voices were angry. Suddenly, the sound of gunshots broke the night silence, causing the crowd to scatter wildly.

Chaos happened as people ran away screaming in fear. Market stalls were knocked over, goods spilling onto the ground as vendors fled. In the mess, I saw one man fall down, blood spreading across his shirt.

In that moment of horror, I realized with dread that I was wrong to have thought the night would be like other peaceful nights. The truth was violence could erupt without warning, destroying any feeling of safety, even in lively familiar places.

I rushed inside and locked the door, my heart pounding hard. I was so grateful to be home safe, but shaken by the 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' violent events that just happened on a street I walk every day. As the sounds of chaos, wailing sirens and shouts gradually faded away, I knew this night would stay in my memory forever - a harsh reminder that peace is precious and can be taken away so easily.

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 5 (V2)

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The vibrant colors of the evening sky began to fade as the sun set over the busy city of Lagos. Adamu, a young university student, finished his work at the local bookstore and began his journey home. He lived in a modest apartment in the Yaba district, a place known for its lively streets and close-knit community.

Adamu was a diligent student, always balancing his studies with part-time jobs to support his education. Tonight, he felt a sense of relief as he walked home, looking forward to a quiet evening of studying and a good night's sleep. His final exams were just around the corner, and he needed all the rest he could get.

As he made his way through the crowded streets, he passed by vendors closing up their stalls for the night. The smell of roasted corn and suya filled the air, mingling with the distant sounds of music and laughter from nearby homes. Adamu waved to Mrs. Adebayo, an elderly woman who sold fruits at the corner of his street. She greeted him warmly, as she did every evening.

"Good evening, Adamu. How was your day?" she asked with a smile.

"Good evening, Mama Adebayo. It was fine, thank you," Adamu replied. "How is your family?"

"They are well, thank you. Study hard, my son. Your exams are important," she advised, patting his shoulder.

Adamu nodded gratefully and continued on his way. He turned down a narrow alley that served as a shortcut to his apartment. The alley was usually quiet, and Adamu often 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' enjoyed the brief moment of solitude it provided.

However, tonight felt different. The air was unusually still, and a chill ran down his spine as he walked. He quickened his pace, eager to reach the safety of his home. Suddenly, he heard footsteps behind him. At first, he dismissed it, thinking it was just another resident heading home. But the footsteps grew louder, closer.

Adamu's heart began to race. He glanced over his shoulder and saw two figures approaching quickly. Panic surged through him. He broke into a run, but the men were faster. They caught up to him just as he reached the end of the alley.

"Where do you think you're going?" one of them snarled, grabbing Adamu by the arm. The other man pulled out a knife, its blade glinting menacingly in the dim light.

"Please, I don't want any trouble," Adamu said, trying to keep his voice steady.

"Give us your bag and phone," the man with the knife demanded.

Adamu's mind raced. He reluctantly handed over his bag and phone, hoping that would be the end of it. But the men weren't satisfied. They shoved him against the wall and began to search his pockets, taking what little money he had left.

"Next time, be careful where you walk," the first man warned before they disappeared into the night.

Shaken and bruised, Adamu stumbled out of the alley and into the street. His heart was still pounding, and tears of frustration and fear welled up in his eyes. He made his way to his apartment, 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' where his neighbor, Mr. Okeke, saw him and rushed over.

"Adamu! What happened to you?" Mr. Okeke asked, concern etched on his face.

"I was robbed," Adamu managed to say, his voice trembling.

Mr. Okeke helped him inside and called the police. Adamu's friends and family soon arrived, offering comfort and support. As he recounted the terrifying experience, he realized how lucky he was to have escaped with his life.

That night, as he lay in bed, the events replayed in his mind. Lagos, a city he had always found vibrant and full of life, now seemed more dangerous and unpredictable. He had learned a harsh lesson about the realities of life in the city.

I was mistaken to have thought the night would be like every other peaceful night, Adamu thought, as he drifted into an uneasy sleep, vowing to be more cautious in the future.

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 5 (V1)

examplaza.com answers


He planned to give him an exceptional celebration if he comes first in the class.


His son had consistently taken tenth position in the class


His parents separated, hence he got ill treated from his foster mother. He had to do extensive labour in his father's farm in other to get money to pay his school fees


He is resilient and refused settling for less.


-They attend one of the best schools

-Enough money was spent on the party.


(i) Noun phrase

(ii) It serves as the object of the verb "had spared"




(i) scuttled - ruined

(ii) ostentatiously - extravagantly

(iii) reputable - renowned

(iv) sprang - arose

(v) well-groomed - well-trained

(vi) reminiscences - recollections

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 6 (V2)

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WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (3228) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo

WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (3228) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 6 (V1)

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-Girls often outnumber boys in classrooms.

-The female students tend to perform better academically than their male counterparts

-The male students exhibit higher rates of truancy, leading to a decline in their academic performance.


-Most apex positions in the industries and other parastatals are occupied by women. 

-It makes women feel more proud than is expected. 

-It results to contentions and misunderstandings between educationally mediocre husbands and well educated wives.

This is WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 7 (V1)

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1. The Old Students' Association of your school has just erected an ultra-modern hall for the school. As the senior prefect, write a letter to the chairman thanking him for this project and pointing out three other areas in which the school needs assistance.

2. Several demonstrations have been organized in the past few months in your country. Write an article for publication in one of your national newspapers, discussing the causes of these demonstrations and proposing three ways by which the government could deal with them.

3. You are the principal speaker in a debate on the motion: Living in one's country is more advantageous than living abroad. Write your argument for or against the motion.

4. Your friend wrote a letter to you and a part of it reads: "I think I am going to fail my forthcoming examinations! I don't know what to do." Write a letter of encouragement to your friend, discussing at least three things he or she can do to manage examination jitters.

5. Write a story that ends with the statement: I was mistaken to have thought the night would be like Other peaceful nights.

WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (3228) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng ExpoWAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (3228) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng ExpoWAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (3228) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng ExpoWAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 WAEC ENGLISH: WAEC English (Eng) 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (3228) Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo

Welcome to official 2024 English WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 English WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Eng Expo

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