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2024 WAEC GCE Second Series (Nov.) English MIDNIGHT ANSWERS πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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2024 NECO GCE Literature in English MIDNIGHT ANSWERS πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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2024 NECO GCE Mathematics MIDNIGHT ANSWERS πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

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Welcome to official 2024 C.R.K NABTEB GCE answer page. We provide 2024 C.R.K NABTEB GCE Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NABTEB GCE C.R.S Expo. NABTEB GCE C.R.K Questions and Answers 2024. NABTEB GCE C.R.S Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, 2024 NABTEB GCE C.R.S ANSWERS. 2024 NABTEB GCE EXAM C.R.K Questions and Answers

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(i)Force labour
(ii) overtaxation
(iii) Marriage of foreign wives
(iv) worship of gods(apostasy)

(i)Peace and unity are necessary for progress
(ii) Every act of sin must be punished

The israelites needed solace in the hand of a new king after their undue suppression under Solomon. At Shechem, Rehoboam, Solomon's son, presented himself before the elders of Israel to be made king as successor of his father. The people bitterly complained of the burden Imposed on them through the oppressive rule of Solomon and requested him to inform them whether he would lighten their burden
After due consultation with the elders and the youngmen, he rejected the advice of the elders whose advice was to lighten the burden of the people. Rather, he accepted the advice of the young men who advised him to declare increasing burden. The declaration as directed by the young men gave rise to Rebellion and division of the kingdom of Israel into 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Northern and Southern kingdoms. The north was under Jeroboam while the south remained under Rehoboam. The declaration thus marked the beginning of the period of a divided monarchy and divided kingdom.


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Spiritual gift can be defined as a concept in Christianity that refers to an endowment or extraordinary power given by the Holy Spirit. According to St Paul, it is the holy spirit that dwell in a man and make him acknowledge Jesus as lord.

(Pick Any Four)
(i)The utterance of wisdom
(ii) The utterance of knowledge
(iii) Faith
(iv) The gift of working miracles
(v) The gift of healing
(vi) The gift of prophesy
(vii) The gift to speak in tongues

Fruit of the spirit are those conducts that are godly. Every Christian attached to Jesus Christ produces good fruit(conducts) such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. The fruits of the spirit encompassed the Ten commandments.

(Pick Any Four)
(i) Repentance from sin
(ii)salvation through faith in Jesus Christ
(iii) Baptism in the name of Jesus
(iv) Gift of the Holy spirit
(v) Abiding in Jesus 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' christ


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After Jesus had been condemned to death, he was led away by soldiers to the PLACE of crucifixion. Due to physical exhaustion, Jesus was unable to carry his cross. A man of Cyrene,Simon whom they met on the way was compelled to carry the cross for Jesus to the place of his crucifixion called Golgotha which means the place of skull. There they offered him wine mixed with gall which he tested but refused to drink. At that place they crucified him along with two robbers, one on his right and the other on the left. They shared his garment among themselves by drawing lots. Over his head, they put a charge against him: ''This is Jesus the king of the jews." While on the cross the passersby, the Pharisees, the scribes and the chief priests mocked him, each according to his own perspective.
At about the sixth hour, there was darkness over the land until the ninth hour. About the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice '' Eli Eli lama sabachthani '' which means "My God My God 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Why has thou forsaken me." Jesus cried again with a loud voice an yielded up his spirit. The curtain of the temple was torn into two from top to bottom ; the earth shook and the rocks were split; the tombs were opened and the body of the saints who had fallen asleep raised.

(i) God's words must be fulfilled.
(ii) Repentance of a sinners is never too late, provided that it take place during one's lifetime.

(i) He wanted to strengthen their faith and reassure them that he was the messiah.
(ii) He wanted to inform them about the coming of the Holy Spirit(Pentecost day)


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Skill acquisition: Skill acquisition is the ability and knowledge to lay hands on good things. Acquisition of skill is a type of learning in which repetition results in enduring changes in an individual's capability to perform a specific task. Any behavior that needs to be learned and that is improved by practice can be considered to be a skill. Example of skill that can be learned are furniture making, plumbing,writing skill, mechanics, tailoring etc

(i)Empowerment : Empowerment refers to increasing the spiritual, political, social, educational, gender, or economic strength of individuals and communities. It involves the process of giving them power, status, authority or right in a particular situation to perform various acts or duties
(ii) Creativity: creativity is the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others. It also 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' involve using imagination or original ideas to create something; inventiveness.


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