2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: 2024 waec Animal Husbandry Answers (5824)

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Thursday, 11th April, 2019
Animal Husbandry (Alternative B) 2 (Essay)** 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.
Animal Husbandry (Alternative B) 1 (Objective)** 11:30 a.m. 12:10 p.m.




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Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry Expo. WAEC Animal H Questions and Answers 2024. WAEC Animal Husbandry Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, 2024 waec Animal Husbandry Answers. 2024 WAEC EXAM Animal H Questions and Answers

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(Pick three)
(i) Separators Dairy Equipment.
(ii) Homogenizer Dairy Equipment.
(iii) Pasteurizers Dairy Equipment.
(iv) Tanks Dairy Equipment

(i) Pour the raw milk into the stainless steel pot.
(ii) Slowly heat the milk to 145 degrees Fahrenheit, stirring occasionally
(iii) Hold the temperature at 145 F for exactly 30 minutes.
(iv) Remove the pot of milk from the heat and place it in a sink or large bowl filled with ice water.
(v) Store pasteurized milk in the refrigerator.

(2ci) Wholesalers:
(i)They purchase product in bulk
(ii)They provide storage facilities
(iii)They provide good transport facilities
(iv)They pass information from retailers to producer and vise versa

(2cii) Retailer:
(i)They make produce readily available to the customers
(ii)They provide jobs for many people
(iii)They pass information from the consumers to the wholesalers
(iv)They give credits to some consumers

(2di) Marketing board:
(Pick three only)
(i)The board provides an organised and ready market for various agricultural commodities
(ii)it helps to stabilise the prices of farm produce
(iii)The board sometimes provides capital to farmers
(iv)it advises and encourage farmers to adopt modern farming techniques
(v)it helps to transport the produce of the farmers

(2dii) co-operative society:
(Pick three only)
(i)They stimulate competition in produce marketing by buying produce in bulk
(ii)They have close contact with producers
(iii)They reduce the inequality of income distribution by selling to members at reduced rate
(iv)They also provide transportation services
(v)They grant loans to members

(i) Bees make honey out of flower nectar for use as a food source
(ii) Bees play an important role in the pollination of many flowering plants, thus increasing the yield of certain crops
(iii) Honey is a highly nutritious
(iv) The market potential for honey and wax is high, so it serves as a means of income.
(v) Bee Pollen and Propolis are natural remedies

(i) Join a local beekeeping association
(ii) Choose a Site
(iii) Create a Stand
(iv) Build a Hive
(v) Consider your equipment
(vi) Get Some Bees
(vii) Review your local by-laws and register your hives
(vii) Protect yourself
(viii) Look and learn
(ix) Keep notes

(i) Use a hybrid or cross bred female.
(ii) Satisfy the nutritional requirements of the sow both in pregnancy and lactation.
(iii) Bring a healthy sow into the farrowing house.
(iv) Achieve good birth weights.
(v) Ensure each pig receives maximum colostrum at birth.

(i) Feeding
(ii) Housing
(iii) Flushing
(iv) Vaccination
(v) Breeding


Zebu cattle are usually red or grey in colour
They are horned
They have loose skin
They have large ears and have a hump above their shoulders.
This breed is used for its milk, meat and as draft animals

Choose any five
the regulation of body temperature

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