2024 WAEC VISUAL ART: 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers (6791)

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Welcome to official 2024 Visual Art WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Visual Art WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Art Expo. WAEC Visual Art Questions and Answers 2024. WAEC Art Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers. 2024 WAEC EXAM Visual Art Questions and Answers

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Chiaroscuro: Chiaroscuro refers to the use of strong contrasts between light and dark to give the illusion of volume in modeling three-dimensional objects and figures


Chiaroscuro: A technique using strong light and dark contrasts to create the illusion of depth and volume.


Carving: Carving is a sculptural technique where material is removed from a solid block, such as wood, stone, or ivory, to create a desired form.


Carving: A subtractive sculptural process where material (like wood or stone) is removed to form a shape


Cabinet Picture: A cabinet picture is a small, highly detailed painting meant to be displayed in a private room or a cabinet.


Cabinet Picture: A small, detailed painting designed for private display in a room or cabinet.


Varnish: Varnish is a transparent, protective finish applied to the surface of a painting, sculpture, or other artworks.


Varnish: A transparent finish applied to artworks to enhance color and protect the surface.


Weft: The weft refers to the horizontal threads interlaced through the vertical warp threads in weaving.


Weft: The horizontal threads interwoven with vertical warp threads in weaving to create fabric.

This is 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers No. 1

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(i) Scissors

(ii) Glue or adhesive

(iii) Paper or cardstock

(iv) Fabric scraps

(v) Magazine or newspaper clippings

(vi) Leaves


(i) Gather a variety of materials to use in your collage.

(ii) Select a piece of paper or cardstock to serve as the background for your collage.

(iii) Cut out shapes and images from your materials and arrange them on the base in the desired composition.

(iv) Using glue or adhesive, attach the cut-out pieces onto the base.

(v) Create depth and interest by layering and overlapping the materials.

(vi) Embellish your collage with additional details or add a frame to complete the piece.

This is 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers No. 2

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Nationality: He is a Nigerian



He studied Fine Arts at the College of Arts, Science and Technology, Zaria (now Ahmadu Bello University), Nigeria (1956-1961)


Area of specialization: Nwoko is known for his contributions to architecture, painting, and sculpture, often incorporating traditional Nigerian motifs and materials into his work.



(i) Soja Come Soja go,

(ii) Beggar

(iii) Bathing women

(iv) The philosopher

(v) Adam and Eve

(vi) Rickshaw man



(i)Pioneered modern Nigerian architecture combining traditional African designs with modern techniques.

(ii)Co-founder of the Zaria Art Society, which promoted Nigerian artistic identity.

(iii)Integrated art into architecture, enhancing the cultural and aesthetic value of buildings.

(iv)Promoted the use of indigenous materials and methods in construction.

(v)Influential in Nigerian art education, inspiring new generations of artists and architects.

(vi)Advocated for the preservation and integration of Nigerian cultural heritage in contemporary art and architecture

This is 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers No. 3

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Medium: Baluba art primarily uses wood as the medium for creating sculptures, masks, and other artifacts. Materials like beads, ivory, and metal are often incorporated for decoration and detail.



(i)Intricate and detailed wood sculptures.

(ii)Elaborate and symbolic masks

(iii)Decorative bead patterns on sculptures and textiles.

(iv)Stylized human and animal forms.

(v)Balanced and symmetrical designs.

(vi)Rich in cultural and spiritual symbolism

(vii)Smooth and polished finishes on wooden pieces



(i)Baluba art is used in religious and spiritual ceremonies.

(ii)It is used to Reflects and preserves cultural heritage.

(iii)Baluba art teaches moral values and traditions.

(iv)It Indicates social rank and status within the community.

(v)It Serves as decoration and artistic expression.

This is 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers No. 5

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Realism emerged in the mid-19th century, around the 1840s, and lasted until the late 19th century.



(i)Gustave Courbet

(ii)Jean-Francois Millet

(iii)Edouard Manet

(iv)Winslow Homer

(v)Honore Daumier



(i)The Stone Breakers by Gustave Courbet

(ii) The Gleaners by Jean-Francois Millet

(iii)Olympia by Edouard Manet

(iv)Snap the Whip by Winslow Homer

(v)The Third-Class Carriage by Honore Daumier



(i) Realism focus on everyday life and ordinary people.

(ii) Detailed and accurate depiction of subjects.

(iii) Emphasis on the working class and their struggles.

(iv) Rejection of idealization and romanticism.

(v)Realism make use of natural colors and light.

(vi)Attention to social issues and contemporary events.

This is 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers No. 7

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Gothic art is a style of medieval art that developed in Northern France in the 12th century and spread throughout Europe


Renaissance art refers to the art of Europe produced during the Renaissance, a cultural movement that spanned roughly from the 14th to the 17th century.


Gothic art flourished from the mid-12th century to the 16th century.



(i)Gothic is 12th to 16th century. WHILE

Renaissance art on 14th to 17th century.

(ii)Gothic pointed arches, ribbed vaults, flying buttresses. WHILE Renaissance art rounded arches, domes, classical columns.

(iii)Gothic is enlongated and stylized. WHILE Renaissance art is proportional and realistic.

(iv)Gothic has Limited use of perspective. WHILE Renaissance art developed linear perspective and depth.

(v)Gothic is Predominantly religious. WHILE Renaissance art are Both religious and secular.

(vi)Gothic emphasized spirituality and emotion. WHILE Renaissance art focused on humanism and individuality.

(vii)Gothic stained glass windows to create colorful light effects. WHILE Renaissance art involves use of chiaroscuro to create re

alistic light and shadow

This is 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers No. 8

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2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers 2024 WAEC VISUAL ART: 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers (6791) Welcome to official 2024 Visual Art WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Visual Art WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Art Expo2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers 2024 WAEC VISUAL ART: 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers (6791) Welcome to official 2024 Visual Art WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Visual Art WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Art Expo2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers 2024 WAEC VISUAL ART: 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers (6791) Welcome to official 2024 Visual Art WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Visual Art WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Art Expo2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers 2024 WAEC VISUAL ART: 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers (6791) Welcome to official 2024 Visual Art WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Visual Art WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Art Expo2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers 2024 WAEC VISUAL ART: 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers (6791) Welcome to official 2024 Visual Art WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Visual Art WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Art Expo2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers 2024 WAEC VISUAL ART: 2025 WAEC Visual Art (Art) Verified Answers (6791) Welcome to official 2024 Visual Art WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Visual Art WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Art Expo

Welcome to official 2024 Visual Art WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Visual Art WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Art Expo

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