2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471)

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Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric Expo. WAEC Agriculture Questions and Answers 2024. WAEC Agric Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025. 2024 WAEC EXAM Agriculture Questions and Answers

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Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric Expo

This is Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 No. 1

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To investigate the capillarity and water retention properties of different soil types


E: The rise in water level is the lowest.

F: The rise in water level is the highest. 

G: The rise in water level is intermediate.


(i) The extent of capillary rise in the tubes indicates the capillary action of different soil types

(ii) The water rise differences reflect soil texture and water retention capabilities.


Cotton wool is used to prevent soil particles from falling out while allowing water absorption.


The soil in the capillary tube labeled G (dry loam) is best for agriculture.



(i) Loam provides good drainage and moisture retention, essential for plant growth.

(ii) It supports healthy root development and soil microorganisms.

(iii) Loam is rich in nutrients, promoting robust plant growth.

(iv) It has a stable structure, reducing erosion and maintaining soil fertility.


Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric Expo

This is Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 No. 2

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H: Chewing mouthparts.

J : Chewing mouthparts.

K: Piercing and sucking mouthparts.


Effects of Specimen H on crop production: 


(i) Damage to stored maize grains.

(ii) Reduction in grain quality and quantity.

(iii) Economic losses to farmers and storage facilities.

(iv) Risk of mycotoxin contamination due to fungal growth facilitated by weevil infestation.

(v) Decreased market value of infested maize.

Effects of Specimen J on crop production:


(i) Defoliation of plants

(ii) Reduction in crop yield

(iii) Damage to young seedlings

(iv) Increased plant susceptibility to diseases

(v) Decreased quality of harvested produce



(i) Proper sanitation by keeping the store clean and free from spilled grains.

(ii) Regular inspection of stored maize for signs of infestation.

(iii) Use of hermetic storage methods such as airtight containers or bags to suffocate the weevils.

(iv) Application of chemical insecticides approved for grain storage, following recommended dosage and safety precautions.

(v) Employing physical control measures such as freezing or heating the infested maize to kill the weevils and their eggs.



(i) Okra

(ii) Hibiscus

(iii) Eggplant

(iv) 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Bell peppers

(iv) Tomatoes

This is Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 No. 3

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Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric Expo

This is Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 No. 4

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Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric ExpoAgriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric ExpoAgriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric ExpoAgriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric ExpoAgriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric ExpoAgriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric ExpoAgriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 2024 WAEC AGRICULTURE: Agriculture (Agric) WAEC Authentic Practical Answer 2025 (8471) Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric Expo


SPECIMEN A - Ranging Pole;


SPECIMEN C - Measuring Tape;

SPECIMEN D - Wooden Peg.

• For specimens E, F and G, you are requested to get some quantity of dry sand, dry clay (ground) and dry loam (ground) respectively.

• Get three capillary tubes, label each of them E, F and G.

• Close the lower ends of each of the capillary tubes with a plug of cotton wool.

• Put the:

(i) dry sand into the capillary tube labelled E;

(ii) dry clay (ground) into the capillary tube labelled F;

(iii) dry loam (ground) into the capillary tube labelled G.

• Shake or tap the ends of the capillary tubes to make sure that the particles are tightly packed/settled in each of the capillary tubes.

• Get a water trough and put water in it until it is half full.

• Set the capillary tubes securely in the trough.

• Leave the setup to stand for 24 hours before the examination.

SPECIMEN H - Maize Weevil;

SPECIMEN I - Bean beetle;

SPECIMEN J - Grasshopper;

SPECIMEN K - Cotton stainer;

SPECIMEN L - Tilapia (whole and fresh);


SPECIMEN N - Fish meal.

Welcome to official 2024 Agriculture WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Agriculture WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Agric Expo

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