2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 (9796)

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Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry Expo. WAEC Animal H Questions and Answers 2024. WAEC Animal Husbandry Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025. 2024 WAEC EXAM Animal H Questions and Answers

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(i) Cattle primarily eat plants, while poultry eat both plants and insects.

(ii) Cattle have a complex stomach with four compartments, whereas poultry have a simpler, single-compartment stomach.

(iii) Cattle use microbial fermentation in their stomach to digest tough plant material, while poultry rely more on mechanical digestion and enzyme breakdown.

(iv) Cattle have a special stomach chamber where microbes help break down tough plant fibers, but poultry lack this chamber.

(v) Cattle have enzymes for breaking down plant material, whereas poultry have enzymes adapted for grains and seeds.

(vi) Food moves through the digestive system slower in cattle due to microbial fermentation, whereas in poultry, digestion is quicker.

(vii) Cattle need more water for digestion because of their fermentation process, while poultry have lower water requirements.

(viii) Cattle absorb nutrients from plants mainly in their stomach and small intestine, while poultry absorb nutrients mostly in their small intestine.


Proper pasture management.

Regular deworming.

Rotational grazing.

Maintaining good hygiene.

Feeding balanced diets.

Selecting resistant breeds.


(i) Selective Breeding Programs: Establishing selective breeding programs aimed at enhancing desirable traits in local breeds can lead to significant improvements.

(ii) 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Crossbreeding: Introducing genetics from well-adapted exotic breeds into local populations through controlled crossbreeding can help introduce beneficial traits such as higher milk or meat yields, improved growth rates, or enhanced disease resistance. 

(iii) Genetic Selection Using Molecular Techniques: Advancements in molecular genetics have made it possible to identify specific genes associated with desirable traits. 

(iv) Improved Nutrition and Management Practices: Enhancing nutrition and management practices can contribute to the improvement of local breeds by optimizing their growth, reproduction, and overall health. 

(v) Community-Based Breeding Programs: Engaging local communities in breeding programs can facilitate the conservation and improvement of indigenous breeds. 


Creep Feeding:


(i) Creep feeding allows young animals, such as calves or lambs, to have access to additional nutrients beyond what they can obtain from their mothers' milk alone.

(ii) By providing a separate feeding area accessible only to young animals, creep feeding reduces competition for food among different age groups or sizes of animals within the herd or flock.

(iii) Creep feeding can facilitate early weaning by providing supplemental nutrition to young animals, allowing them to transition from milk to solid feed more smoothly and at an earlier age.

(iv) Ensuring that young animals receive adequate 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' nutrition through creep feeding can contribute to better body condition, overall health, and resilience to diseases and environmental stressors.

(v) Creep feeding can optimize production efficiency by maximizing the genetic potential for growth in young animals, leading to higher productivity and profitability for producers.




(i) Dehorning removes the horns or horn buds from animals, reducing the risk of injuries to both other animals and handlers caused by horn-related aggression or accidental contact.

(ii) Dehorning animals can enhance handling and safety during routine management practices, such as feeding, milking, or veterinary procedures, by eliminating the risk of horn-related injuries to personnel.

(iii) Dehorning reduces the likelihood of equipment or other facility damage, leading to lower maintenance costs and improved infrastructure longevity.

(iv) Dehorning can enhance the marketability of animals by improving their appearance and reducing potential buyer concerns about safety and handling issues associated with horned animals.

(v) Dehorning can promote social harmony within the herd by reducing aggression and dominance-related behaviors associated with horned individuals, leading to a more peaceful and cohesive social structure.

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(Pick Aby SIX)

(i) Protection from adverse weather conditions like extreme temperatures, rain, and wind.

(ii) Prevention of predation by providing a secure environment.

(iii) Reduction of stress, which can improve overall health and productivity.

(iv) Control of disease transmission through proper sanitation and biosecurity measures.

(v) Facilitation of efficient management practices such as feeding, watering, and healthcare.

(vi) Optimization of growth rates and production through controlled environments.

(vii) Enhancement of reproductive performance and breeding success.

(viii) Minimization of injuries and accidents, leading to healthier and more profitable animals


(Pick Any FOUR)

(i) Prevention of aggressive behavior and competition for resources among different age groups.

(ii) Reduction of the risk of injury, particularly to younger or smaller goats, from dominant individuals.

(iii) Facilitation of age-specific feeding and nutritional requirements to support growth and development.

(iv) Control of disease transmission between age groups, as susceptibility to certain diseases may vary with age.

(v) Optimization of management practices such as deworming, vaccination, and health monitoring tailored to specific age groups.

(vii) Promotion of better socialization and behavioral development by allowing goats to interact with peers of similar 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' age and size.


(Pick Any FIVE)

(i) Cleaning and disinfection of the brooder house to remove any potential pathogens and provide a clean environment for the chicks.

(ii) Installation and testing of heating equipment to maintain appropriate temperature levels for the chicks.

(iii) Placement of clean and dry bedding material such as wood shavings or straw to provide a comfortable resting area.

(iv) Provision of clean feeders and drinkers filled with fresh water and appropriate chick feed.

(v) Adjustment of lighting to simulate natural day-night cycles and promote healthy growth and development.

(vi) Checking for any potential hazards or safety risks in the brooder house and addressing them accordingly.

(vii) Preparation of necessary equipment and supplies for monitoring chick health and welfare, such as thermometers, brooder guards, and first aid kits.


(i) Pelt - Chicken 

(ii) Bristle - Pig

(iii) Mohair - Goat 

(iv) Veal - Calf 

(v) Lard - Pig

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(i)breed: Breed refers to a specific group of animals that share common characteristics and traits, such as appearance, behavior, and genetic makeup, that distinguish them from other groups within the same species.

(ii)genotype: genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an individual animal, comprising the specific combination of alleles (alternative forms of genes) it inherits from its parents. 

(iii) Hybrid: hybrid refers to an individual resulting from the crossbreeding of two different breeds or species within the same genus.



(i)Loss of Genetic Diversity

(ii)Increased Expression of Undesirable Traits

(iii)Decreased Fitness and Vigor

(iv)Inbreeding Depression

(v)Loss of Adaptability

(vi)Reduced Production Efficiency


(i)Plant Protein Sources:

(Pick Any Two)

(i)Soybean meal

(ii)Cottonseed meal

(iii)Canola meal

(iv)Pea protein

(ii)Animal Protein Sources:

(Pick Any Two)

(i)Fish meal

(ii)Meat meal (rendered from various animal tissues)

(iii)Blood meal

(iv)Feather meal

(iii)Fiber Sources:

(Pick Any Two)

(i)Alfalfa hay

(ii)Timothy hay

(iii)Corn stalks

(ivWheat straw


(Pick Any 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Four)

(i)Limited Access to Technology

(ii)High Cost of Implementation

(iii)Limited Extension Services

(iv)Cultural and Religious Beliefs

(v)Lack of Awareness and Education

(vi)Preference for Natural Breeding

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(i) Soil quality

(ii) Water availability

(iii) Topography

(iv) Accessibility

(v) Climate

(vi) Environmental regulations

(vii) Market proximity

(viii) Security



(i) Soil quality: Soil should have good clay content for pond lining and be free from toxic substances that could harm fish.

(ii) Water availability: Access to sufficient water ensures proper pond filling and replenishment, essential for maintaining fish health.

(iii) Topography: Flat or gently sloping land facilitates pond construction and water management, minimizing earthmoving costs.

(iv) Accessibility: Proximity to roads or waterways eases transportation of supplies, equipment, and harvested fish, reducing logistical challenges.

(v) Climate: Climate influences water temperature, which affects fish growth rates and overall productivity.

(vi) Environmental regulations: Understanding local regulations ensures that pond construction and operation adhere to environmental standards, avoiding legal issues and fines.

(vii) Market proximity: Proximity to markets reduces transportation costs and ensures fresher fish for consumers, enhancing market competitiveness.

(viii) Security: Selecting sites away from areas with high crime rates reduces risks of theft or vandalism, safeguarding investments in equipment and fish 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' stocks.


(i) Gills:

   -Fresh fish gills are bright red or pink, indicating good oxygen exchange and freshness while Spoiled fish gills may appear dull, discolored, or brownish, indicating decreased oxygen exchange and spoilage.

(ii) Skin:

   -Fresh fish skin is smooth, shiny, and tightly adhered to the flesh, with vibrant colors characteristic of the specie while Spoiled fish skin may appear slimy, dull, or discolored, with patches of darkening or browning indicating deterioration.


(iii) Muscle

   -Fresh fish muscle tissue is firm, moist, and has a translucent appearance, indicating freshness while Spoiled fish: Muscle tissue may appear dry, flaky, or slimy, with a loss of elasticity and a sticky texture.


(iv) Eyes:

   - Fresh fish eyes are convex and plump, while spoiled fish eyes may be concave or deflated.

(v) Belly:

   -Fresh fish belly feels firm to the touch, while spoiled fish belly may feel puffy or mushy.



(i) Prompt chilling after catch.

(ii) Proper cleaning and gutting.

(iii) Storage in ice or refrigeration.

(iv) Packaging in airtight containers.

(v) Maintaining cleanliness during processing.

(vi) Avoiding cross-contamination with other foods.

(vii) Using food-grade preservatives.

(viii) Monitoring temperature during storage and 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' transport.

(ix) Rapid freezing for long-term storage.

(x) Implementing good hygiene practices throughout the supply chain.


By-catch in fisheries, consisting of unintended species caught during fishing operations, can be repurposed for fish meal production, animal feed, fish oil extraction, and fertilizer. This utilization helps minimize waste and provides additional value from otherwise discarded catch.

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physiological status: Physiological status of farm animals, such as whether they are pregnant, lactating, growing, or in maintenance, significantly influences their nutrient requirements.


Age: Age directly impacts the nutrient requirements and digestive capacity of farm animals. Young animals have higher nutrient needs for growth and development compared to mature animals


Nutrient composition of feedstuff: Formulating feeds based on the nutrient composition of feedstuff ensures that animals receive balanced diets that meet their specific nutrient requirements.



(i)process of slaughtering

(ii) undergoes dressing

(iii)Cutting and Boning

(iv)transforming raw meat into value-added products

(v)Packaging using appropriate materials

(vi)Storage and Distribution


(i)selection: selection refers to the process of choosing animals with desirable traits for breeding purposes, with the goal of improving the overall genetic quality of the herd or flock. 

(ii)Pasture: Pasture is an area of land covered with grasses, legumes, or other forage crops that is utilized for grazing by livestock.

(iii)Artificial Insemination: Artificial insemination (AI) is a reproductive technology used in animal production to breed livestock without natural 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' mating







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Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 (9796) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry ExpoAnimal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 (9796) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry ExpoAnimal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 (9796) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry ExpoAnimal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 (9796) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry ExpoAnimal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 (9796) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry ExpoAnimal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 (9796) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry ExpoAnimal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 2024 WAEC ANIMAL H: Animal H (Animal Husbandry) WAEC Authentic Answers 2025 (9796) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H WAEC answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H WAEC Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct WAEC Animal Husbandry Expo

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