2024 NECO HEALTH EDUCATION: Health Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 (4040)

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Welcome to official 2024 Health Education NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Health Education NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO health Expo. NECO Health Education Questions and Answers 2024. NECO health Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, Health Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025. 2024 NECO EXAM Health Education Questions and Answers

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The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."



(i) Health education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health, lifestyle, and habits, enabling them to take control of their well-being.

(ii) Health education helps individuals understand the risk factors and prevention strategies for various diseases, reducing the likelihood of illness and promoting health.

(iii) Health education leads to better health outcomes by encouraging healthy behaviors, early detection, and timely treatment of health issues.

(iv) Health education raises awareness about healthy habits, nutrition, and wellness, promoting a culture of health and encouraging individuals to adopt healthy lifestyles.



(i) Growth refers to a quantitative increase in size, weight, or volume, often measured numerically WHILE Development is a qualitative change, involving improvements in structure, function, or complexity.

(ii) Growth typically focuses on physical changes, such as increases in height or weight WHILE Development encompasses physical, mental, emotional, and social changes, leading to maturity and enhanced capabilities.

(iii) Growth can be reversible, as in weight gain or loss WHILE Development is generally 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' irreversible, as in the maturation of tissues or the acquisition of skills.

(iv) Growth often occurs over a short period, such as during childhood or adolescence WHILE Development is a long-term process, spanning an individual’s entire lifespan, from conception to old age



(i) Plasma

(ii) Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

(iii) White Blood Cells (WBCs)

(iv) Platelets



(i) Oxygen

(ii) Carbon dioxide

(iii) Nutrients

(iv) Hormones

(v) Waste products

(vi) Electrolytes

(vii) Proteins

(Viii) Heat



(i) Cerebrum

(ii) Cerebellum

(iii) Brainstem

(iv) Frontal lobe

(v) Parietal lobe

(vi)Temporal lobe

(vii) Occipital lobe

(viii) Hippocampus

(ix) Amygdala


Pituitary gland


Corpus callosum

Basal ganglia




(i) Frontal bone

(ii) Parietal bone

(iii) Occipital bone

(iv) Temporal bone

(v) Sphenoid bone

(vi) Ethmoid bone

This is Health Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 No. 1

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Environmental health refers to the branch of public health that focuses on the relationships between human health and the environment. It involves assessing, understanding, and mitigating the impact of environmental factors on human health



(i) Health Education

(ii) Health Services

(iii) Nutrition Services

(iv) Healthful School Environment

(v) Physical Education

(vi) School Health Records

(vii) Health Promotion

(viii) Disease Prevention

(ix) Mental Health Services


Nutrition is the process by which the body takes in and utilizes food, nutrients, and other substances to maintain its functions, promote growth, and support overall health



(i) cultural background

(ii) personal preferences

(iii) nutritional knowledge

(iv) economic status

(v) social environment

(vi) emotional state

(vii) age and gender

(viii) health and wellness goals

(ix) convenience and accessibility

(x) marketing and advertising


A wound is a disruption in the continuity of the skin or mucous membrane, resulting in damage to the underlying tissues



(i) Incised: sharp object cutting the skin

Bruised: blunt trauma leading to blood vessel rupture

(ii) Incised: Characterized clean, 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' straight edge

Bruised: Characterized swelling, discoloration, and pain

(iii) Incised: profuse, but controlled

Bruised: no open bleeding, but blood accumulation under the skin

(iv) Incised: lower risk

Bruised: higher risk due to tissue damage and blood accumulation

(v) Incised: faster and more predictable

Bruised: slower, with potential scarring or discoloration


Arterial bleeding is a type of bleeding that occurs when an artery is damaged or cut, resulting in a

rapid loss of blood from the circulatory system.

This is Health Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 No. 2

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It is caused by Yellow Fever virus (Flavivirus genus).


Bite of infected mosquitoes.



(i) Fever

(ii) Muscle pain (especially in the back and knees)

(iii) Headache

(iv) Nausea and vomiting

(v) Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes)

(vi) Fatigue



(i) Vaccination

(ii) Mosquito repellents

(iii) Wearing protective clothing

(iv) Eliminating mosquito breeding sites

(v) Screening blood donations

(vi) Using air conditioning or screened windows



(i) Heat: Boiling, pasteurization, or autoclaving can kill bacteria

(ii) Chemicals: Disinfectants, antiseptics, and antibiotics can destroy bacterial cells

(iii) Radiation: Ultraviolet (UV) light and X-rays can damage bacterial DNA

(iv) Filtration: Using filters with small pores can remove bacteria from water and air

(v) Desiccation: Depriving bacteria of water can cause them to die or become dormant

(vi) High Pressure: Applying high pressure can disrupt bacterial cell membranes

(vii) Phagocytosis: White blood cells can engulf and digest bacterial cells

(viii) Antimicrobial peptides: Natural peptides can disrupt bacterial cell membranes

(ix) Essential oils: Certain essential oils have antibacterial properties

(x) Soap and detergents: 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' Can disrupt bacterial cell membranes and wash them away



(i) Vaccination

(ii) Improved Ventilation

(iii) Enhanced Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

(iv) Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered Contact Tracing

(v) Ultraviolet (UV) Light Disinfection

This is Health Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 No. 3

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Health Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 2024 NECO HEALTH EDUCATION: Health Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 (4040) Welcome to official 2024 Health Education NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Health Education NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO health ExpoHealth Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 2024 NECO HEALTH EDUCATION: Health Education (health) NECO Authentic Questions and Answers 2025 (4040) Welcome to official 2024 Health Education NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Health Education NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO health Expo

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