2024 NECO ANIMAL H: NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (8191)

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Welcome to official 2024 Animal H NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Animal Husbandry Expo. NECO Animal H Questions and Answers 2024. NECO Animal Husbandry Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers. 2024 NECO EXAM Animal H Questions and Answers

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(i) Selection of eggs
(ii) Egg storage
(iii) Cleaning the incubator
(iv) Setting temperature
(v) Humidity control
(vi) Checking the turning mechanism



(i) It is a rich source of protein and other essential nutrients
(ii) It can provide a significant source of income for farmers.
(iii) The shells are used to enrich the compost with calcium and other minerals.
(iv) It used in the production of vaccines and other medical products.
(v) It is used in baking, cooking, and food processing industries.

Egg Trays


(i) Hand Milking
(ii) Machine Milking
(iii) Vacuum Pump Milking



(i) Ensure udder and teats are clean to prevent contamination.
(ii) Use sanitized milking equipment to avoid introducing bacteria into milk.
(iii) Handle animal gently to avoid stress affecting milk production.
(iv) Regularly check animals’ health for signs of infections.
(v) Cool milk immediately, store in sanitized containers to prevent spoilage.



(i) 'copied from e x a m p l a z a . c o m free' cheese
(ii) butter
(iii) yogurt
(iv) cream



(i) To swat away flies and other insects.
(ii) To signal and communicate with other animals.
(iii) To aid in balance and movement.
(iv) To help regulate body temperature by flicking the tail.



(i) Banding
(ii) Cutting
(iii) Cauterizing
(iv) Docking Shears



(i) To reduce manure and urine accumulation which improves cleanliness.
(ii) To facilitate hygienic milking by preventing tail from contaminating the equipment.
(iii) Prevent tail injuries from stepping or equipment entanglement.
(iv) Control disease and parasite spread in dirty tails.

This is NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 1

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Pennisetum purpureum

D - Forage feeds
F - Concentrate feeds



(i) Stem Cuttings
(ii) Root Splitting
(iii) Seed Propagation



(i) It is about 3-4 meters tall
(ii) The stems are thick and robust, resembling bamboo in structure.
(iii) The leaves are long, broad, and spear-shaped with rough, toothed edges.
(iv) There are fibrous roots present, indicating a strong and extensive root system.
(v) The foliage is vibrant green.
(vi) There are flowering tops with feathery seed heads.
(vii) The bases of the leaves are covered with fine hairs.


(i) For lowering of pH
(ii) Improving fermentation



(i) Concrete troughs
(ii) Plastic troughs
(iii) Metal troughs
(iv) Wooden troughs
(v) Rubber troughs



(i) Ensuring troughs are cleaned regularly to prevent buildup of dirt and mold.
(ii) Regularly checking for cracks, leaks, or corrosion to maintain structural integrity.
(iii) Ensuring troughs are level and stable to prevent feed wastage.
(iv) Sanitizing troughs to maintain hygienic conditions and prevent disease transmission.



(i) It reduces spillage and waste of feed.
(ii) It keeps feed clean and prevents contamination.
(iii) It provides easy access to feed for livestock.
(iv) It promotes efficient feeding routines and management




(i) Muscle growth and repair
(ii) Enzyme production
(iii) Hormone production
(iv) Antibody production
(v) Transport and storage
(vi) Energy production.

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G: Leaf-shaped or flattened
H: Ribbon-like

G: Smaller
H: Larger 

G: Generally lacks segmentation
H: Composed of multiple segments 

G: Oral and ventral suckers
H: Hooks and suckers (scolex)


(i) Sheep
(ii) Cattle
(iii) Deer
(iv) Humans

(i) Cattle
(ii) Pigs
(iii) Dogs
(iv) Humans



(i) Liver damage
(ii) Reduced production of meat or milk
(iii) It causes anemia
(iv) It causes reduced fertility



(i) Improving drainage in fields 
(ii) Rotate grazing areas to avoid overgrazing
(iii) Preventing access of animals to areas with high snail populations
(iv) Administer antiparasitic treatments to livestock to prevent maturity and reproduction
(v) Maintain clean and dry housing conditions to reduce exposure to contaminated water



(i) Weight loss
(ii) Diarrhea
(iii) Poor growth or reduced productivity
(iv) Visible segments in feces
(v) Abdominal discomfort or bloating



(i) Intestines
(ii) Liver
(iii) Muscles
(iv) Lungs
(v) Brain

This is NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers No. 3

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NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 NECO ANIMAL H: NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (8191) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Animal Husbandry Expo

NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 NECO ANIMAL H: NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (8191) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Animal Husbandry Expo

NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers 2024 NECO ANIMAL H: NECO Animal H (Animal Husbandry) Practical 2025 Legit Questions and Answers (8191) Welcome to official 2024 Animal H NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Animal Husbandry Expo

Welcome to official 2024 Animal H NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Animal H NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO Animal Husbandry Expo

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