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Friday 16th October
Paper III & II: Objective & Essay – Foods & Nutrition
10:00am – 12:30pm








Welcome to official 2024 Foods & Nutrition NECO answer page. We provide 2024 Foods & Nutrition NECO Questions and Answers on Essay, Theory, OBJ midnight before the exam, this is verified & correct NECO food Expo. NECO Foods & Nutrition Questions and Answers 2024. NECO food Expo for Theory & Objective (OBJ) PDF: verified & correct expo Solved Solutions, 2024 NECO FOOD & NUTRITION. 2024 NECO EXAM Foods & Nutrition Questions and Answers

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Steaming is a moist-heat method of cooking that works by boiling water which vaporizes into steam; it is the steam that carries heat to the food, cooking it.

(i)It preserves the main nutrients
(ii)Steamed foods retain their own genuine flavour

(i)The food takes longer to cook.
(ii)There will be no gravy from meat or fish cooked this way.

(i)Slipping on wet floor
(ii)Cutting fingers or hands

(i)protect the wearer's hand from hot objects such as ovens
(ii)Used for holding hot objects


Reproductive health is defined as a state of physical, mental, and social well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system, at all stages of life.

(i) It helps to move food particles round the body
(ii) It helps excrete waste through perspiration, urination, and defecation

(2b) (Pick any 3)
(i) Cracked middle
(ii) Sunken cake
(iii) Side of the cake crunchy or burnt
(iv) Cake can't get out of pan
(v) Cake too dark
(vi) Crust too think

(i) The ICPC Enlightens, rallies and enlists citizens of Nigeria in the anti-corruption process;

(ii)The ICPC Educates and alerts citizens about the consequences of corruption. Therefore, support the preventative measures in the corruption cases.
(iiii) The ICPC advises the leaders of the government bodies about corruption measures in the country. Moreover, the commission should also help these leaders to assure the effectivity of anticorruption and anti-bribery procedures.


Food Habits can be define as the way in which people select, cook, serve and eat foods,as well as the ways people obtain, store, use, and discard food that are available to them.

herbs are plants with savory or aromatic properties that are used for flavoring and garnishing food, for medicinal purposes, or for fragrances; excluding vegetables and other plants consumed for macronutrients.

spices is a aromatic/pungent vegetable or seed, fruit, root, bark, or other plant substance primarily used for flavoring or coloring food. example cloves, pepper, or cumin.

(i) The yolk is small and rounded and stands high in a thick, gel-like egg white which tends to stay compact rather than spread out over a wide area.
(ii) The thick egg white becomes thin and runny. By this time the egg might also have developed a stale odour and flavour.

(choose Any two)
(i) Binding and Coating: Eggs help bind mixtures together – they are used as the "glue" in recipes.
(ii) Thickening: Eggs are used to thicken a variety of foods such as custards, sauces and soups.
(iii) Trapping air: Eggs are able to trap air when they are whisked, lightening mixtures and helping them to rise.


(i) Pasteurization
(ii) Thermisation

(i) Pasteurization: Pasteurization involves heating milk at 160 °F (71 °C) for 15 seconds or at 145 °F (63 °C) for 30 minutes. The conditions used in pasteurization are designed to inactivate the most heat‐resistant, non‐spore‐forming pathogenic bacteria in milk.

(i) Roasting
(ii) Boiling
(iii) Poaching
(iv) Steaming

(i) Protein
(ii) Fat

(i) Fewer Nutrients: Some fruits and vegetables are less nutritious when canned. Removing the peel of a fruit or vegetable which is a common practice in canned foods reduces its fiber content.
(ii) High in Sugar: Canned fruits often contain heavy syrups. The added sugar makes the fruits more palatable and more dessert-like. Unfortunately, it also increases the calorie and carbohydrate count of the final product.


(i) safety
(ii) Guarantee
(iii) Performance
(iv) specification

(i) Food preservation is important in increasing/ enhancing the shelf life of food and ensuring food safety.
(ii) Food preservation prevents Fruits and vegetables from getting spoilt retaining the colour, tests and nutritive values

High temperature food preservation involves using of high temperatures to preserve food such as pasteurization and sterilization while Low temperature food preservation involves using of extremely low temperature to preserve food. Chilling temperature is usually between 5 - 7°C, refrigeration 0 - 7°C and freezing below -18°C.

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